SQL Server DB Refresh
SQL Server DB Refresh SQL Server DB Refresh from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2008 - Article Note: For SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008/2012, Post DB Refresh, Please change DB Compatibility level to latest version. @ Production SQL Server Instance **************************** @ Production Database: ******************* STEP-1 : Perform the production database full backup with COPY_ONLY. --TSQL SCRIPT: BACKUP DATABASE ProdDB TO DISK = 'E:\Source\MSSQL\BACKUPS\ProdDB_FULL_BKP_DEC262015_12.40PM.BAK' WITH COPY_ONLY STEP- 2 : Move this backup file to Development Server using the below command. Go to RUN. Type the command ---- \\DestinationServerName\E$\MSSQL\BACKUPS @ Development SQL Server Instance ******************************* --Perform full backup if required as per the application team confirmation --Also check whether we have enough space in Backup Drive (example: E:\MSSQL\Backups) STEP- 3 : Perform the development datab...